Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 2

1. I think Steve Jobs has become a monopoly.  He has created such a name for himself, that when anyone sees that logo people immediately know what brand it is.  The brand itself has broadened to such a wide array of products, that when I think quality product, I consider Apple in as a factor. As they are reducing the prices of things and mass-producing, it is only going to become a bigger and bigger product.  With Apple comes all of the Apple products that you have to buy directly from them, such as Itunes for your Ipod, an Ihome to dock it in at night, an Icar to play music in your car.  It is the Mcdonalds of computer and like-minded products.
2. I think it has affected me by making me desire the best of the best products, and in turn those companies can take my money and spend it on more ads to benefit themselves.
3. My phone- make calls, sent texts to my friends to ensure my weekend plans, check my social networking standings (still popular among the kids!)
My TV- watching reruns of house and snl to catch up and refresh on my medical knowledge, and snl to provide some comic relief while doing homework
My computer- listening to pandora while doing my homework to check out some new bands, doing my homework, checking my social networks, looking at some new hairstyles (I work at a salon and I am going there on saturday to do something new if there is time).
4. My favorite medium would be my phone. Without it, I feel lost because I can do absolutely anything and everything with it. I don't think I have ever had it off for the year I have had it and my mother constantly complains about how much I am on it.  It makes money from my father (who pays the bills) by having a phone bill for services, texting plan, unlimited calls, and the data charges. I also do some online shopping on here so that also gets my money. I will research things that are worth buying by looking at reviews of products, which only gets me more excited about buying and using these products myself.
5. I think college students have already grown up with facebook, and since facebook has always been stealing ideas from other innovations, they have created a monopoly on social networking. With it, I find out anything that a person decides to post (and some they don't). What their wall posts say (or don't say), say a lot about them, they have their info updated, I can look at their status (similar to Twitter). I have had facebook since my freshman year of high school, so about 6 years, back when it was super small and exclusive, which made it even more necessary to get in on. It has stuck around so well because it is incredible convenient as it is ever changing and updating to fit the popular demands and ideas.

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