Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chapter 8.

1. I think we are only getting deeper into the wasteland.  I have to turn off the TV, because I get caught up in these reality shows, tuning into them every week instead of going out and living my life.  I think people are becoming content with living through and imitating these "characters" on TV without realizing that these thing are scripted and consequences are real and different for every situation.  While there are some shows that are definitely worth watching and give insight into things, mostly it is used as a useless filler.  Most milk the cash cow for all it's worth, shows like LOST get viewers wrapped into long running airings, but lose steam and meaning along the way.
2.  If I had to buy a TV I would get a projection one with TiVo?  I am not sure, I suppose... The way that technology runs, even 4 years of having something is ridiculously long.  Phones are updated every one or two years, and turn to crap after mere months, and computers on average last for 2 years before being overrun with viruses and slow down and crash.
3. I think it would be really cool to see the interactive TV thing work out again.  I know that TV over the internet is getting popular, and to have like a choose your own path thing could be a big hit, more like a video video game...
4. I rely on TV for creating ambiance and noise when I am alone in my room.  Rarely do I sit and do homework and not turn on my itunes or TV as a filler.  Only when I read do I turn everything off. I love finding a new show that is well written-- Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of my favorite shows ever.  It had 3 books and stuck to the plot throughout, weaving in lessons to be learned and adventure; the show was just incredible and well-crafted.  Now they are doing a spin-off because the show was so popular.  This both excites me because I miss the show and have to rely on reruns, and disappoints me, because I would rather that those terrific writers spend their time developing a different show for a different demographic.
5. I have thought about making videos before, and if I was going to do it, I would do hair how-to's and product reviews.  I think there is a lack of reviews for females who are looking for the latest and greatest in the beauty industy-- but the problem is that with every skin type and body type, not every product works for every person the way that other products do.  For example, what works on my hair, might not work on Betty Sue's hair, but a video game is pretty straight-forward. Of course, if I did my job as a good reviewer, I would be able to explain and describe who it would ideally be for.

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