Tuesday, March 15, 2011


One of the first experiences in the movie theater that I remember was going to see Mulan with my father.  He was excited about the movie because I was adopted from China.  I loved the movie, and it is still one of my favorites.  It has a beautiful opening scene of watercolors; I love the look and watercolors are so hard to master.  Mulan was so kickass too-- imagine a young girl fighting against a brutal army! She taught me to be assertive and independent.

The most memorable experiences I have had revolve around going to midnight showings.  I think those are always the most special-- not only do you get stay up late on a school night to see the movie before the rest of the world, but you also get to see it in a theater full of fans (usually). I went to Avatar: The Last Airbender in theaters this summer in 3D.  I was majorly disappointed.  I am an avid fan of the show, but was disappointed by the entirety.  The effects were less than basic, the acting terrible, and the plot was laughable.  None of it made much sense.  How much they messed up the entire movie was astounding; the whole plot, dialog, and themes had all been done already and woven into a beautiful show.  M. Night Shamalyan will go down in history as one of the worst directors for that huge disappointment.
A positive was seeing the 1st installment of the 7th Harry Potter.  We got there like 2 or 3 hours early, but it was so much fun and the movie was by far the best of the movies.  I cried, laughed, and my heart went with Harry on his journey.

I never saw Avatar in theaters and I will always wonder if I missed out on some great experience with itb being such an advancement in 3D.  Some movies are just made for the big screen and just don't translate out as well to a home theater.

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