Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 13.

1. I think users are always going to want something more because they will only be content watching the same bits and the same glitches so many times before demanding something better for their money.  But I suppose a big part is the developers too because they can only make so much money off of one platform, such as the Sims.  With the recent development of online gaming though, the world is opened up for many more hours of enjoyment.
2.  My parents didn't really like me playing videogames, and I have had so many opportunities in my life that games were never a huge part.  Or maybe its just that I had so much free time that I had enough time to do everything I have ever wanted to!
3.  I used to be "addicted" to the Sims.  I would sit at the computer until my hands were freezing and it was 3 in the morning and I had school the next day.  That would go on for like a few weeks at a time, and then I would get sick of it and stop playing.  I had to not download it on my new computer, but then there is always something else to replace it.  I don't even know what it was about the Sims that was so addicting, because I have had a gameboy and a gamecube and I don't know that either one caused the problems that the Sims did.  It was just nice living through someone else...
4. I guess I could go for the writing parts, or doing the game playing.  I feel like I am decent at videogames and they need more female voices in that world to say what they like and what could be changed.
5.  I wrote a speech on it once, but I think my stance has changed.  I definitely don't think that young kids need to be playing video games often, especially violent ones. I think its more important that they gain real life skills but I think they are definitely obtainable through games too, but once the child can be left alone and responsible for how much they play and what they are playing.  Violent video games should be toned down, but I don't think that they are responsible for school shootings or even more violence.  But I do think we should be looking at why we are playing these games and what real benefits they have.  Sure they might not be damaging, but it doesn't mean that they are benefitting to our society either.  It just seems like A Brave New World where we are content to be wasting our time entertaining ourselves...

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