Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 6.

1. I think that because the radio is relatively new, and there are still radios in every persons car and home, it only has more room to grow.   I think they need to start looking at other ways of doing some things, making it more interesting to today's crowd because there are so many different varieties of media coming through.  I really enjoy listening to them in the morning so I don't have to do anything but listen and start to wake up, I miss doing that on the drive to school. Although waking up at ungodly hours is not desired. I think of like NPR and how much that is dying and teenagers have no idea what that is, although it presents all sorts of kinds of news and different ways of living. I think the radio has it's art, but now it seems like it is all advertisements or ways to generate money for the station.  I worked for the USF radio and I noticed that people were generally uninterested in listening to what I wanted to listen to, and with all of the options out there, why listen to the radio and a dj at all?
2. I think it says that although we may be behind on some aspects, we are doing just fine with others.  I think the radio is kind of nice because we are hearing just the voices, and you have to be more creative to keep the listeners attention.  It is a beautiful artform though, music and the ability to hear.
3. I think that it does need to be controlled.  I think of situations like with Imus? said those things about the African American female basketball players, and then people who have loud voices like Howard Stern.  Their stuff is crude and written to be that way into the contract.  America wants controversy, but not for their kids to hear.  I think we need to keep kids as kids though, keep them innocent because we are allowed to.  Kids now days don't have to work for a living or have responsibilities because we have great wealth here.  It is an injustice to force them to grow up intellectually, but not in the other aspects.
4. I like hearing what is going on in other places.  It reminds me of what Egypt did with banning all access out or in, and I think as a word that is moving closer together it is not good to separate us through media networks.
5. No, I think they sometimes focus too much on what will make money or what lyrics are "safe".  Sometimes music needs to push the boundaries between diversity or injustice.  I am tired of hearing another love song.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 5.

1. It shoes us that it can really change the world.  No matter what new things come, music will never be obsolete, it is one of those arts that all types of people enjoy. With so many different genre's out there, whether digitally enhanced, or screamo music, or bad indie singing, there is always an audience for it.  Many artists like MIA or the Beatles make songs stating social problems, or problems with the government, and other artists choose to make their daily lives statements of how they feel.
2.  I think that good music is a reflection of the artist.  I think of some of my favorite artists and my favorite album or songs by them and the best ones have a lot of feeling and insight into their daily routines and perhaps the things that are embarrassing or hard to talk about. It can bring to light problems that other people didn't know that other people were also going through.  I think of the emo movement and how popular their music was to the a more lost and undefined, somewhat outcast group of kids.  Through that music, they felt like someone understood them and was going through the same life journey.
 3. Yes, I think so. Although their music can be violent, it can be a small connection to hear that someone likes your favorite band and with that relate-ability, they are more like you, and you become the same person.
4. I don't think so; I think music is always being redefined. I would hope that most artists aren't thinking, "How can I make it big", or writers aren't writing to make millions or for a good grade in a class.  This art work should be a representation of who you are and make you happy for doing it.  If you feel it necessary to swear a lot or talk about more adult content, and be a serious artist, then perhaps the radio isn't for you.  There will always be an audience for whatever you create, even if that audience is just for yourself, or your parents are the only ones who like it. Interesting music isn't necessarily picked up by the music interest, bankable music is.
5. I think that is the beauty of it all-- the fragmentation.  Everyone is happy with their music being heard, expressed, felt, experienced.  I can imagine someone was bored during the typical Baroque music period, but others were moved to tears or action. Just as every story and human is diverse, so is the art coming out of them.


This website is an amazing of motivational uses of new media and videos and getting up off your butt and doing something!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Differences between the printed and the online versions of the Argus Leader.

I found that I liked the online version more than I thought I would. They do this thing on the side that tells you related articles and what those around in the area think on that topic, which was nice to see-- an easy read.  I don't like the ads online because you think that they are affiliated with the newspaper, but they could direct you away from the site and infiltrate your computer with spam.  Same with giving them your email, it can be dangerous because you can get more spam that way, as where the address is harder to send mail to, I think? You can do it more anonymously or just buy them from a machine, but I liked that the online version was free. It did a good job of combining the best of both worlds, doing new media, giving written text and showing pictures and videos (online). I thought the website was clean and easy to use, but there is something just so magical about the printed text and having that sunday crossword in your hand-- doing it on the internet is just not the same.

Author Pablo Neruda Quote So I Wait For You Like A Lonely House - pix | placebo

Author Pablo Neruda Quote So I Wait For You Like A Lonely House - pix | placebo

I like the idea of taking pictures and using quotes to describe them in a storybook sort of way. I think its a good use of combining English for New Media.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 4

1. I think the proper role of a free press is to take opinions from all sides of the argument, and not be biased towards the right or the left side.  I have a friend who was a big advocate for Measure 13 and he was always responding to editorials.  It was good that they were bringing press towards other, often controversial opinions.
2. Local/State, State/Regional, National/World is just to bring awareness as to what is going on for current events. Voices brings opinion, columns, obituaries, celebrations, and weather reports all together for reading. Sports brings the latest in sports news,  Life give more of the entertainment and what is popular in the area as far as style and things to spend money on. 
3. Newspapers can be considered obsolete because it is easier to listen to someone else, whether that is on the radio or the TV, or secondhand information. Unfortunately, there are really no more readers with articles online being sold for free, and perhaps a disinterest in what is going on in the world.  I would hope that they would stick around, being something tangible and something new to read everyday. 
4. The journalists are the ones who first hear the news and are to report to the public what is going on.  Sometimes these reports turn out to be not at all what they thought it was ( a tree branch blowing against the house), but other times it is necessary for the common person to have that information. 
5. News for me is more gossip.  I was really interested in the goingons in Egypt, and kept pretty current with them, although I did not fully understand it.  I thought it was amazing, something like the destroying of the Berlin Wall-- a great step forward in freedom, not only for Egypt but for other countries who are oppressed. 

Snap, Snap.

My proudest moment in the newspaper was when I graduated, and the boy who stood next to me in the line was one of my best friends, Matt.  He took me by the arm and walked me down like a gentleman, and the photographer for the Argus Leader loved it.  He had a camera that was like 2 feet long and was right up in our faces snapping shots.  Then the next day, I wake up to find my smiling face on the cover of the Argus.
I once delivered the Shopping News with two friends (one of them was Matt) and slipped on the ice.
I remember Matt was in the newspaper for skateboarding and winning the South Dakota X games.  I kept the article.
I remember reading the Shopping News, Coffee News, Tidbits, Argus Leader, New York Times, and many others I am sure but I can't remember the names of them.
I once remember that a friend was interviewed for the Argus Leader, and they completely made up what he said and didn't use any of the actual things he had said, and even spelled his name wrong.  From then on, I called the local newspaper, the Argus Liar. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet Movie Trailer Official (HD)

Well, I am not sure if I will see this one, but the advertisement that they have songs by Elton John in it definitely appeals to me more than anything else the movie has to offer-- even the large A-list actors they have voicing the movie. Not sure how I feel about a tragic and somewhat adult story being translated into a kids story, but I supposed they have been doing that for years. Just wondering what the new points of the movie are going to be without the use of catharsis.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dreaming Methods

I looked at three of the "magazines" on the website  I didn't really understand the concept behind them-- none of them really had anything to read, but more like fragments and pictures. I liked how it was interactive and you got to discover it all for yourself on some of them, but then they weren't accompanied by any meaningful text!
 I first read Incomplete, which had the computer and it had more of easter egg type things where you had to click around and stuff to discover things about it.  I gave up before completing it because I wasn't sure where it was going, and it never said anything at all, other than the titles of some word documents that had nothing in them. I liked how it was just like what a PC has on its opening screen and you got to interact with it, but I wished it would have allowed you to read some of the documents.  They had to have had something on them even though they were in the trash.

Then I read joyride, and that one had pictures and then 3 words scattered on the picture that described the scene.
The last one I looked at was The Rut, which was an author thinking about how to frame the first cover and two pages of his book, and kept revising.  I thought it was creative, but again, I never got the idea that it was really English for New Media when they never told a complete story but rather insinuating and letting you come to your own conclusions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Be Alone

I really like this video, It was a poem done by her first, and then made into a short video. I like the ideas behind this, a lot.

Chapter 3

1.  I think that the First American Print Media should get the most credit.  The problem with the Gutenberg, although impressive that he created it, was the time it took to get the prints out to the general public.  I think the idea of having 100,000 issues spread in the first 10 weeks is very impressive, and it spread literacy to the common people.  Even though the Civil War made paper expensive and the prints were cut down in circulation, the other wars really benefitted from widespread use of propaganda through print.
2. Literacy help shape what could be read-- people were no longer satisfied with just reading from the Bible.  Demands for entertainment through reading began, and people wanted to read fiction and romance and everything because it was now affordable to them.
3. I think it can be a good thing to read things online.  It sure can be a pain in the butt to show people what are you talking about at times, with all of the restrictions and locks.  I know that many of my friends post articles that they have read on facebook, leading me to read them.  I think with the internet comes the ability to skim more easily, to look for key words in searches so I imagine the more boring articles are ignored, which limits what a magazine can do.  Now everything is expected to be online and sometimes more interactive.
4.  They affect it by their ads and censoring what is being printed.  This can be a good thing because with more money comes the ability to do better ads and make more money and get a voice out there, but it can be bad because it can hide certain truths that would have been left alone had a big company not gotten in the way of publishing.
5. I would hope that books are not obsolete.  Books are easier on the eyes to read, and great before you go to bed-- it is hard to sleep after staring at a bright screen for hours.  Books are cheaper in the short run.  books allow you to reference by page memory, whereas it is harder to gage where you are after scrolling down a long page.  Books are easier to hold and carry around too.  I should hope that a book will always stay around, because I will always buy them as long as they are around.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Video Project.

Well, as evident by this video, I am no computer genius.  What I did here was tried to convey an idea, and something that is relatable too-- Who hasn't been there on a Saturday night? My only question is, what does  Candy puke taste like....?