Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 5.

1. It shoes us that it can really change the world.  No matter what new things come, music will never be obsolete, it is one of those arts that all types of people enjoy. With so many different genre's out there, whether digitally enhanced, or screamo music, or bad indie singing, there is always an audience for it.  Many artists like MIA or the Beatles make songs stating social problems, or problems with the government, and other artists choose to make their daily lives statements of how they feel.
2.  I think that good music is a reflection of the artist.  I think of some of my favorite artists and my favorite album or songs by them and the best ones have a lot of feeling and insight into their daily routines and perhaps the things that are embarrassing or hard to talk about. It can bring to light problems that other people didn't know that other people were also going through.  I think of the emo movement and how popular their music was to the a more lost and undefined, somewhat outcast group of kids.  Through that music, they felt like someone understood them and was going through the same life journey.
 3. Yes, I think so. Although their music can be violent, it can be a small connection to hear that someone likes your favorite band and with that relate-ability, they are more like you, and you become the same person.
4. I don't think so; I think music is always being redefined. I would hope that most artists aren't thinking, "How can I make it big", or writers aren't writing to make millions or for a good grade in a class.  This art work should be a representation of who you are and make you happy for doing it.  If you feel it necessary to swear a lot or talk about more adult content, and be a serious artist, then perhaps the radio isn't for you.  There will always be an audience for whatever you create, even if that audience is just for yourself, or your parents are the only ones who like it. Interesting music isn't necessarily picked up by the music interest, bankable music is.
5. I think that is the beauty of it all-- the fragmentation.  Everyone is happy with their music being heard, expressed, felt, experienced.  I can imagine someone was bored during the typical Baroque music period, but others were moved to tears or action. Just as every story and human is diverse, so is the art coming out of them.

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