Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 13.

1. I think users are always going to want something more because they will only be content watching the same bits and the same glitches so many times before demanding something better for their money.  But I suppose a big part is the developers too because they can only make so much money off of one platform, such as the Sims.  With the recent development of online gaming though, the world is opened up for many more hours of enjoyment.
2.  My parents didn't really like me playing videogames, and I have had so many opportunities in my life that games were never a huge part.  Or maybe its just that I had so much free time that I had enough time to do everything I have ever wanted to!
3.  I used to be "addicted" to the Sims.  I would sit at the computer until my hands were freezing and it was 3 in the morning and I had school the next day.  That would go on for like a few weeks at a time, and then I would get sick of it and stop playing.  I had to not download it on my new computer, but then there is always something else to replace it.  I don't even know what it was about the Sims that was so addicting, because I have had a gameboy and a gamecube and I don't know that either one caused the problems that the Sims did.  It was just nice living through someone else...
4. I guess I could go for the writing parts, or doing the game playing.  I feel like I am decent at videogames and they need more female voices in that world to say what they like and what could be changed.
5.  I wrote a speech on it once, but I think my stance has changed.  I definitely don't think that young kids need to be playing video games often, especially violent ones. I think its more important that they gain real life skills but I think they are definitely obtainable through games too, but once the child can be left alone and responsible for how much they play and what they are playing.  Violent video games should be toned down, but I don't think that they are responsible for school shootings or even more violence.  But I do think we should be looking at why we are playing these games and what real benefits they have.  Sure they might not be damaging, but it doesn't mean that they are benefitting to our society either.  It just seems like A Brave New World where we are content to be wasting our time entertaining ourselves...


Well, I have seen Amelie, Spirited Away, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Life is Beautiful, Battle Royale, Fahrenheit 451, and A Clockwork Orange, that I can remember off the top of my head.  I like foreign films, but sometimes since they are foreign I feel like I don't know what I am getting myself into.  For instance, the movie, The Human Centipede is a Holland foreign film, and that one is just bizarre.  I really want to see City of God, but I afraid that the violence might be too real for me.

I have seen the british version of skins and the office.  I love the japanese games shows, like the hole in the wall one, and ninja warrior, but they of course have their strange ones too.  There are also spanish game shows that are impossible to understand because they are so silly.  I watch Telonovella through the Soup... I mean I watch my fair share of foreign tv shows, but at the same time I also like the travel channels and discovery (river monsters) because I hate to travel, but I love watching other people do it.  I can always go on an adventure with someone else though the TV or a book, without getting sick myself.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thistles by Ted Hughes

The English For New Media class recently completed projects combining both English and New Media.  Student’s Angie Timms, Jacki Hartman, and Neshia Starks started with the poem, Thistles by Ted Hughes, and created an animated visual poem video from the descriptive language used in Thistles. Student Jacki stated, “ This was probably one of the neatest projects I have worked on at DSU.  It is really great to collaborate with others on ideas like this; we all came together to craft something beautiful—people from animation, ENM, and the local DSU cafeteria-- and it shows!”  Creative partner, Neshia said, “ Yes, it really was a good effort on everyone’s part.  I am proud to be a part of this!” 
Pictures were taken from Google images, and cut out through Adobe Photoshop in a painstaking effort that took the students hours to do.  “We tried to make a visual poem for Hughes’ poem and stay away from a literal interpretation, so as not to take away from what poetry is all about” said Angie.  A rather gritty and bleak representation of war and the blooming of life, quickly followed by destruction and death became themes for the video.
You can watch the video on YouTube after typing in Thistles by Ted Hughes in the search engine. It will be up for a few more months.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thistles by Ted Hughes

Against the rubber tongues of cows and the hoeing hands of men
Thistles spike the summer air
And crackle open under a blue-black pressure.

Every one a revengeful burst
Of resurrection, a grasphed fistful
Of splintered weapons and Icelandic frost thrust up

From the underground stain of a decayed Viking.
They are like pale hair and the gutturals of dialects.
Every one manages a plume of blood.

Then they grow grey like men.
Mown down, it is a feud. Their sons appear
Stiff with weapons, fighting back over the same ground.

- Ted Hughes "Thistles"

Things that we could do.

We could post it on YouTube or make a website dedicated to all things Ted Hughes, with this video being interactive on the front page.  We could make this into a commercial for him.  Facebook connects all. I think it would all display his talents as a writer well,

Chapter 10.

1. Businesses seek to make more money while living in a world where things are no longer private and ethics are still expected to be maintained.
2. I would use interact ads and games on websites that make it appealing to the younger generations who have time to watch these shows.
3. " I am really sorry, but right now I don't think it is in our best interests to work with your company at the time, but thank you for your business"
4. By being controversial and repeating apologies without meaning.  Repeating mistakes without having proper punishments and consequences.
5. Yes.  As long as there are human mistakes, there will always be reason for PR.

Chapter 9.

1. Al Gore, obviously.  He popularized it through the army.
2. If you don't have a fast internet connection, then it is almost impossible to watch the program straight through, and many of them go through streaming which makes it even harder without a solid and fast internet connection.  I like that you don't have as many advertisements, but they are still annoying and some of them you can't mute or pause or anything.
3. I don't think that the government needs to get too much into the internet because then it becomes an invasion of personal privacy.  I think the internet needs to be self-governed.
4. It is as easy way to connect with friends and brings a campus together by gossip and posting everything about your life that you think makes you important.
5. Deleting facebook and putting on spyware.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Skittles Touch: Cat

Well here is an interactive video, sort of, for anyone who is reading this! Follow the directions, it will pay off. Kind of a creative way of advertising for people with computers.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication (Video)

This is one of my favorite bands, and they have been around for years.  It is weird to see how they are now middle-aged rockers, but they still are staying contemporary with the times.  This video isn't a real game, but kind of looks like the game Grand Theft Auto. It looks fun though-- wish it was real!

Monday, March 28, 2011

"People I've Seen On Public Transport" Tales Of Mere Existence

Youtube did a feature on this guy a year ago or something on Valentine's Day. I think it is a very interesting way of combining uses of New Media and paper. I wish I could do doodles like this.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I think everyone kind of gets sucked into the same things.  It is weird to think about how far technology has come-- my parents were so reluctant to get a DVD player at first, and cable, and now that I have it, it is so hard to get away from.  They were right to shelter me a bit from those things and DVD collecting because now it is all so worthless, both financially and mentally.  I liked Angie's comment about reality TV being like crack-- it is so ridiculously addicting, but then after the show is done I could care less about where that person is or what they are doing.  In the back of my mind I realize how scripted and monitored the show is,  yet I still watch it and sympathize with the characters, similar to how people do with regular characters on drama shows.
I really want to get into the whole netflix thing, but I am not sure that I could get my parents to pay for it since I already have cable in the dorms, and they want me to focus on my grades. I think TV is something that I will have to cut out of my life when I graduate, at least when I am starting out. It seems like such a small thing, and something that every one of us has grown up with, but it really is a time-consumer and useless mostly.
Another interesting point is how everyone talked about the two most popular shows at the time being really affected by the writer's strike.  You had the two powerhouses-- Lost and Heroes, and they were generating huge amounts of weekly viewers, but then without the good script behind them, people were just completely tuned off.  Lost was able to regenerate and complete the season, but as far as I know, Heroes is still going on, and has yet to truly go anywhere.  They really lost their audience with all of the twists and turns in every episode; it became too confusing and dumb.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chapter 8.

1. I think we are only getting deeper into the wasteland.  I have to turn off the TV, because I get caught up in these reality shows, tuning into them every week instead of going out and living my life.  I think people are becoming content with living through and imitating these "characters" on TV without realizing that these thing are scripted and consequences are real and different for every situation.  While there are some shows that are definitely worth watching and give insight into things, mostly it is used as a useless filler.  Most milk the cash cow for all it's worth, shows like LOST get viewers wrapped into long running airings, but lose steam and meaning along the way.
2.  If I had to buy a TV I would get a projection one with TiVo?  I am not sure, I suppose... The way that technology runs, even 4 years of having something is ridiculously long.  Phones are updated every one or two years, and turn to crap after mere months, and computers on average last for 2 years before being overrun with viruses and slow down and crash.
3. I think it would be really cool to see the interactive TV thing work out again.  I know that TV over the internet is getting popular, and to have like a choose your own path thing could be a big hit, more like a video video game...
4. I rely on TV for creating ambiance and noise when I am alone in my room.  Rarely do I sit and do homework and not turn on my itunes or TV as a filler.  Only when I read do I turn everything off. I love finding a new show that is well written-- Avatar: The Last Airbender was one of my favorite shows ever.  It had 3 books and stuck to the plot throughout, weaving in lessons to be learned and adventure; the show was just incredible and well-crafted.  Now they are doing a spin-off because the show was so popular.  This both excites me because I miss the show and have to rely on reruns, and disappoints me, because I would rather that those terrific writers spend their time developing a different show for a different demographic.
5. I have thought about making videos before, and if I was going to do it, I would do hair how-to's and product reviews.  I think there is a lack of reviews for females who are looking for the latest and greatest in the beauty industy-- but the problem is that with every skin type and body type, not every product works for every person the way that other products do.  For example, what works on my hair, might not work on Betty Sue's hair, but a video game is pretty straight-forward. Of course, if I did my job as a good reviewer, I would be able to explain and describe who it would ideally be for.

Chapter 7.

1. It shows that the film industry relies heavily on making sure that they can own and distribute everything. They want complete dedication and privacy to their causes.  They are slowly releasing everything to Itunes, but on their schedules, in hopes that this will cut some costs for them.  However, will it cut their revenues is their main concern.
2.  Video games are adding more and more short videos that are well-made and informative for the gamers into their games.  I can potentially see advertisements of some sort being placed into the short clips, like product placement.  As artistic, perhaps an awards ceremony will begin to credit those who make gaming videos, if they don't already have them.
3. That is a hard question to answer.  I don't know how things are leaked in the first place, but if they found the source of leaking, that might solve some problems.  They have already come out with movies in theater in demand at home, but for around $50-70 dollars a movie.  I think perhaps if they made this a more affordable option for a single person watching that movie (this is more ideal for a group), it would gain popularity fast. They can also start pressing more charges like the music industry does, or having special things that only work in theaters that would entice people to go to the movies again, such as giving away dinnerware.
4. Yes. I think a lot of it is just plain disgusting and sadistic.  It becomes less of an art form when it's been done a million times, the series of Saw and Halloween are good examples of this.  They have all of these spin-offs, and they lose the meaning, if they ever even had one to begin with.
5. Yes, I think it can be if done in the right way.  I feel like with a book, it is designed to foster imagination and the ability to do anything and travel anywhere, but with a film it is a person's idea of what they see, so with the help of CGI and special effects they can achieve the idea that they have.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


One of the first experiences in the movie theater that I remember was going to see Mulan with my father.  He was excited about the movie because I was adopted from China.  I loved the movie, and it is still one of my favorites.  It has a beautiful opening scene of watercolors; I love the look and watercolors are so hard to master.  Mulan was so kickass too-- imagine a young girl fighting against a brutal army! She taught me to be assertive and independent.

The most memorable experiences I have had revolve around going to midnight showings.  I think those are always the most special-- not only do you get stay up late on a school night to see the movie before the rest of the world, but you also get to see it in a theater full of fans (usually). I went to Avatar: The Last Airbender in theaters this summer in 3D.  I was majorly disappointed.  I am an avid fan of the show, but was disappointed by the entirety.  The effects were less than basic, the acting terrible, and the plot was laughable.  None of it made much sense.  How much they messed up the entire movie was astounding; the whole plot, dialog, and themes had all been done already and woven into a beautiful show.  M. Night Shamalyan will go down in history as one of the worst directors for that huge disappointment.
A positive was seeing the 1st installment of the 7th Harry Potter.  We got there like 2 or 3 hours early, but it was so much fun and the movie was by far the best of the movies.  I cried, laughed, and my heart went with Harry on his journey.

I never saw Avatar in theaters and I will always wonder if I missed out on some great experience with itb being such an advancement in 3D.  Some movies are just made for the big screen and just don't translate out as well to a home theater.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 6.

1. I think that because the radio is relatively new, and there are still radios in every persons car and home, it only has more room to grow.   I think they need to start looking at other ways of doing some things, making it more interesting to today's crowd because there are so many different varieties of media coming through.  I really enjoy listening to them in the morning so I don't have to do anything but listen and start to wake up, I miss doing that on the drive to school. Although waking up at ungodly hours is not desired. I think of like NPR and how much that is dying and teenagers have no idea what that is, although it presents all sorts of kinds of news and different ways of living. I think the radio has it's art, but now it seems like it is all advertisements or ways to generate money for the station.  I worked for the USF radio and I noticed that people were generally uninterested in listening to what I wanted to listen to, and with all of the options out there, why listen to the radio and a dj at all?
2. I think it says that although we may be behind on some aspects, we are doing just fine with others.  I think the radio is kind of nice because we are hearing just the voices, and you have to be more creative to keep the listeners attention.  It is a beautiful artform though, music and the ability to hear.
3. I think that it does need to be controlled.  I think of situations like with Imus? said those things about the African American female basketball players, and then people who have loud voices like Howard Stern.  Their stuff is crude and written to be that way into the contract.  America wants controversy, but not for their kids to hear.  I think we need to keep kids as kids though, keep them innocent because we are allowed to.  Kids now days don't have to work for a living or have responsibilities because we have great wealth here.  It is an injustice to force them to grow up intellectually, but not in the other aspects.
4. I like hearing what is going on in other places.  It reminds me of what Egypt did with banning all access out or in, and I think as a word that is moving closer together it is not good to separate us through media networks.
5. No, I think they sometimes focus too much on what will make money or what lyrics are "safe".  Sometimes music needs to push the boundaries between diversity or injustice.  I am tired of hearing another love song.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 5.

1. It shoes us that it can really change the world.  No matter what new things come, music will never be obsolete, it is one of those arts that all types of people enjoy. With so many different genre's out there, whether digitally enhanced, or screamo music, or bad indie singing, there is always an audience for it.  Many artists like MIA or the Beatles make songs stating social problems, or problems with the government, and other artists choose to make their daily lives statements of how they feel.
2.  I think that good music is a reflection of the artist.  I think of some of my favorite artists and my favorite album or songs by them and the best ones have a lot of feeling and insight into their daily routines and perhaps the things that are embarrassing or hard to talk about. It can bring to light problems that other people didn't know that other people were also going through.  I think of the emo movement and how popular their music was to the a more lost and undefined, somewhat outcast group of kids.  Through that music, they felt like someone understood them and was going through the same life journey.
 3. Yes, I think so. Although their music can be violent, it can be a small connection to hear that someone likes your favorite band and with that relate-ability, they are more like you, and you become the same person.
4. I don't think so; I think music is always being redefined. I would hope that most artists aren't thinking, "How can I make it big", or writers aren't writing to make millions or for a good grade in a class.  This art work should be a representation of who you are and make you happy for doing it.  If you feel it necessary to swear a lot or talk about more adult content, and be a serious artist, then perhaps the radio isn't for you.  There will always be an audience for whatever you create, even if that audience is just for yourself, or your parents are the only ones who like it. Interesting music isn't necessarily picked up by the music interest, bankable music is.
5. I think that is the beauty of it all-- the fragmentation.  Everyone is happy with their music being heard, expressed, felt, experienced.  I can imagine someone was bored during the typical Baroque music period, but others were moved to tears or action. Just as every story and human is diverse, so is the art coming out of them.


This website is an amazing of motivational uses of new media and videos and getting up off your butt and doing something!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Differences between the printed and the online versions of the Argus Leader.

I found that I liked the online version more than I thought I would. They do this thing on the side that tells you related articles and what those around in the area think on that topic, which was nice to see-- an easy read.  I don't like the ads online because you think that they are affiliated with the newspaper, but they could direct you away from the site and infiltrate your computer with spam.  Same with giving them your email, it can be dangerous because you can get more spam that way, as where the address is harder to send mail to, I think? You can do it more anonymously or just buy them from a machine, but I liked that the online version was free. It did a good job of combining the best of both worlds, doing new media, giving written text and showing pictures and videos (online). I thought the website was clean and easy to use, but there is something just so magical about the printed text and having that sunday crossword in your hand-- doing it on the internet is just not the same.

Author Pablo Neruda Quote So I Wait For You Like A Lonely House - pix | placebo

Author Pablo Neruda Quote So I Wait For You Like A Lonely House - pix | placebo

I like the idea of taking pictures and using quotes to describe them in a storybook sort of way. I think its a good use of combining English for New Media.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 4

1. I think the proper role of a free press is to take opinions from all sides of the argument, and not be biased towards the right or the left side.  I have a friend who was a big advocate for Measure 13 and he was always responding to editorials.  It was good that they were bringing press towards other, often controversial opinions.
2. Local/State, State/Regional, National/World is just to bring awareness as to what is going on for current events. Voices brings opinion, columns, obituaries, celebrations, and weather reports all together for reading. Sports brings the latest in sports news,  Life give more of the entertainment and what is popular in the area as far as style and things to spend money on. 
3. Newspapers can be considered obsolete because it is easier to listen to someone else, whether that is on the radio or the TV, or secondhand information. Unfortunately, there are really no more readers with articles online being sold for free, and perhaps a disinterest in what is going on in the world.  I would hope that they would stick around, being something tangible and something new to read everyday. 
4. The journalists are the ones who first hear the news and are to report to the public what is going on.  Sometimes these reports turn out to be not at all what they thought it was ( a tree branch blowing against the house), but other times it is necessary for the common person to have that information. 
5. News for me is more gossip.  I was really interested in the goingons in Egypt, and kept pretty current with them, although I did not fully understand it.  I thought it was amazing, something like the destroying of the Berlin Wall-- a great step forward in freedom, not only for Egypt but for other countries who are oppressed. 

Snap, Snap.

My proudest moment in the newspaper was when I graduated, and the boy who stood next to me in the line was one of my best friends, Matt.  He took me by the arm and walked me down like a gentleman, and the photographer for the Argus Leader loved it.  He had a camera that was like 2 feet long and was right up in our faces snapping shots.  Then the next day, I wake up to find my smiling face on the cover of the Argus.
I once delivered the Shopping News with two friends (one of them was Matt) and slipped on the ice.
I remember Matt was in the newspaper for skateboarding and winning the South Dakota X games.  I kept the article.
I remember reading the Shopping News, Coffee News, Tidbits, Argus Leader, New York Times, and many others I am sure but I can't remember the names of them.
I once remember that a friend was interviewed for the Argus Leader, and they completely made up what he said and didn't use any of the actual things he had said, and even spelled his name wrong.  From then on, I called the local newspaper, the Argus Liar. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet Movie Trailer Official (HD)

Well, I am not sure if I will see this one, but the advertisement that they have songs by Elton John in it definitely appeals to me more than anything else the movie has to offer-- even the large A-list actors they have voicing the movie. Not sure how I feel about a tragic and somewhat adult story being translated into a kids story, but I supposed they have been doing that for years. Just wondering what the new points of the movie are going to be without the use of catharsis.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dreaming Methods

I looked at three of the "magazines" on the website  I didn't really understand the concept behind them-- none of them really had anything to read, but more like fragments and pictures. I liked how it was interactive and you got to discover it all for yourself on some of them, but then they weren't accompanied by any meaningful text!
 I first read Incomplete, which had the computer and it had more of easter egg type things where you had to click around and stuff to discover things about it.  I gave up before completing it because I wasn't sure where it was going, and it never said anything at all, other than the titles of some word documents that had nothing in them. I liked how it was just like what a PC has on its opening screen and you got to interact with it, but I wished it would have allowed you to read some of the documents.  They had to have had something on them even though they were in the trash.

Then I read joyride, and that one had pictures and then 3 words scattered on the picture that described the scene.
The last one I looked at was The Rut, which was an author thinking about how to frame the first cover and two pages of his book, and kept revising.  I thought it was creative, but again, I never got the idea that it was really English for New Media when they never told a complete story but rather insinuating and letting you come to your own conclusions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Be Alone

I really like this video, It was a poem done by her first, and then made into a short video. I like the ideas behind this, a lot.

Chapter 3

1.  I think that the First American Print Media should get the most credit.  The problem with the Gutenberg, although impressive that he created it, was the time it took to get the prints out to the general public.  I think the idea of having 100,000 issues spread in the first 10 weeks is very impressive, and it spread literacy to the common people.  Even though the Civil War made paper expensive and the prints were cut down in circulation, the other wars really benefitted from widespread use of propaganda through print.
2. Literacy help shape what could be read-- people were no longer satisfied with just reading from the Bible.  Demands for entertainment through reading began, and people wanted to read fiction and romance and everything because it was now affordable to them.
3. I think it can be a good thing to read things online.  It sure can be a pain in the butt to show people what are you talking about at times, with all of the restrictions and locks.  I know that many of my friends post articles that they have read on facebook, leading me to read them.  I think with the internet comes the ability to skim more easily, to look for key words in searches so I imagine the more boring articles are ignored, which limits what a magazine can do.  Now everything is expected to be online and sometimes more interactive.
4.  They affect it by their ads and censoring what is being printed.  This can be a good thing because with more money comes the ability to do better ads and make more money and get a voice out there, but it can be bad because it can hide certain truths that would have been left alone had a big company not gotten in the way of publishing.
5. I would hope that books are not obsolete.  Books are easier on the eyes to read, and great before you go to bed-- it is hard to sleep after staring at a bright screen for hours.  Books are cheaper in the short run.  books allow you to reference by page memory, whereas it is harder to gage where you are after scrolling down a long page.  Books are easier to hold and carry around too.  I should hope that a book will always stay around, because I will always buy them as long as they are around.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Video Project.

Well, as evident by this video, I am no computer genius.  What I did here was tried to convey an idea, and something that is relatable too-- Who hasn't been there on a Saturday night? My only question is, what does  Candy puke taste like....?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 2

1. I think Steve Jobs has become a monopoly.  He has created such a name for himself, that when anyone sees that logo people immediately know what brand it is.  The brand itself has broadened to such a wide array of products, that when I think quality product, I consider Apple in as a factor. As they are reducing the prices of things and mass-producing, it is only going to become a bigger and bigger product.  With Apple comes all of the Apple products that you have to buy directly from them, such as Itunes for your Ipod, an Ihome to dock it in at night, an Icar to play music in your car.  It is the Mcdonalds of computer and like-minded products.
2. I think it has affected me by making me desire the best of the best products, and in turn those companies can take my money and spend it on more ads to benefit themselves.
3. My phone- make calls, sent texts to my friends to ensure my weekend plans, check my social networking standings (still popular among the kids!)
My TV- watching reruns of house and snl to catch up and refresh on my medical knowledge, and snl to provide some comic relief while doing homework
My computer- listening to pandora while doing my homework to check out some new bands, doing my homework, checking my social networks, looking at some new hairstyles (I work at a salon and I am going there on saturday to do something new if there is time).
4. My favorite medium would be my phone. Without it, I feel lost because I can do absolutely anything and everything with it. I don't think I have ever had it off for the year I have had it and my mother constantly complains about how much I am on it.  It makes money from my father (who pays the bills) by having a phone bill for services, texting plan, unlimited calls, and the data charges. I also do some online shopping on here so that also gets my money. I will research things that are worth buying by looking at reviews of products, which only gets me more excited about buying and using these products myself.
5. I think college students have already grown up with facebook, and since facebook has always been stealing ideas from other innovations, they have created a monopoly on social networking. With it, I find out anything that a person decides to post (and some they don't). What their wall posts say (or don't say), say a lot about them, they have their info updated, I can look at their status (similar to Twitter). I have had facebook since my freshman year of high school, so about 6 years, back when it was super small and exclusive, which made it even more necessary to get in on. It has stuck around so well because it is incredible convenient as it is ever changing and updating to fit the popular demands and ideas.

Chapter 1

1. I think that is hard to say without being somewhat insulting.  While my mother is learning some new things with her job and thinking about going back to college, my father probably rarely learns anything new because to learn new things, sometimes it is necessary to have previous knowledge on the subject.  The information age can be so amazing, but to this point it has taken the combined knowledge and creativity of many people.  I think a part of the reason why the information age is so detrimental to the evolution of society is because of things that we learn in school today. Even while watching a show like, Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader, I often find myself in awe of the things that they are learning today in school-- education is growing too and expanding on their teaching techniques and methods of learning to ensure that as many kids as possible are walking away with knowledge. I would describe the story as a building, with each stone of information necessary to the whole building and would create problems if a stone was missing.
2. Convergence means the combining of everything that I need right at my fingertips. Take for instance, my phone.  With my Droid, I can surf the internet, text, use a gps system, look up information, look for deals in my local area, email my professors, watch youtube videos, stream music, have an alarm system, and call people (just a small list of the capabilties). 
3. I hope that the future won't be something like Walle, where everything  was so readily accessible at my fingertips that the whole nation grows to be obese and forgets the joys of real human interaction and the amazing things that the human body is capable of.  With information, there are so many things left to do with it, and new ways to expand the human brain and on previous human knowledge.  One thing that disgusts me is the large amount of "trolls" found online-- not even ones on random faceless forums but even on facebook the anti-semantic, racist, sexist, homophobic, and hate-language comes though, and I know these people!  I would like to see the information age spreading education and knowledge to people who have their prejudices, bigotry, and injustices towards things that they don't fully understand. I want to see love and peace come with information.
4. A text message falls under the M part of the SMCR. I would be the source, my text would be the message, the phone would be the channel, and my friend would be the reciever.
5. Perhaps, if I have enough friends, but I think mass communication is talking more on the hundreds to thousands minimum, and I while I acknowledge that I have met a lot of people in my 19 years, it is probably not enough to qualify as mass.  I also think mass has more to do with accessibility being widespread, such as newspapers, radio, and television.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Twin Peaks

She and Him performing "Don't Look Back". The female singer is a popular actress, and her mother was Eileen on Twin Peaks. Is this more like the idea that you had for the future, or did you always know it would move towards a surge of technology and information?

Friday, January 21, 2011

I spend too much time with technology

I spend about maybe 20 hours a week at least watching TV.
I watch about maybe 5 hours a week watching a movie.
I watch maybe 16 hours a week on the internet.
I wish I spend more time playing videogames, but I have no console. If it was up to me though I would spend more time on videogames than TV.
I spend maybe 10 hours a week reading books.
I spend about 1 hour a week reading a magazine or newspaper.
I have 2 ipods, 3 or 4 cameras, 2 computers, a smartphone.
I really like to play Mario games and I would spend all my time getting the shines or saving the Princess if I had a Wii.

I would definitely say that this is a huge generational gap between even my parents and I. I am constantly connected either through my phone or the tv, or the free wifi that is offered in most places.  My mother regularly asks me what I am doing online, and I can't ever come up with a proper answer to justify the time that I have wasted. There are so many funny websites, or ones that make you think-- some of my favorites are,, and is a great way to find out other art forms, or get some self-help tips of all sorts.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hello! My name is Jacki, and I hope that you enjoy this blog as it will be all about my experiences and experimentation in my new major and the first of it's kind, English for New Media. Also, if you are here, feed the fish-- they get quite hungry.